
A physician working with a disability insurer may be involved in

While the claims support role for physicians employed by a disability insurer does not involve direct patient care, the skills developed in clinical practice are used in the consulting role.  Physicians in both roles require a good foundation in clinical medicine, the ability to use evidence-based criteria for decision making and sharp, focused analytical skills.  The physician in practice brings those skills to [...]

Medical Career Transition: Shift Happens

A CRISIS IN AMERICAN MEDICINE By: Peter Moskowitz, MD The practice milieu and the emotional profile and coping strategies of physicians are undergoing rapid change.  There is growing and widespread career dissatisfaction.  Increasing stress and burnout, medical disability claims, premature retirement, and alternative career planning by physicians are some of the secondary signs of this growing crisis in American medicine. BACKGROUND: PHYSICIAN CAREER [...]

Advice for physicians looking to get into medical communications

SEAK faculty member who is a physician owner of a medical communications company answers the question: What advice would you give to physicians who are considering leaving clinical medicine and getting a non-clinical job in the medical communications field?   I would say that the biggest piece of advice is to take your time and research your options. Too often people reach the [...]

What does a physician working in a medical communications company do?

SEAK faculty member who is a physician owner of a medical communications company answers the question: What does a physician in non-clinical job with a medical communications company do?   Generally, a physician will work in either apposition of a medical director or a medical writer. I think the medical writer is a little bit more straightforward. Obviously people do various types of [...]

What opportunities are there in the media for physicians?

SEAK faculty member who is a physician TV Reporter (medical correspondent) answers the question: What opportunities are there in the media for physicians? I think there are a ton of opportunities in the media for physicians. There are lots of opportunities in television, from being a medical reporter, to a reality star, to a host of a show, to the expert on a [...]

What’s the best way to find and choose a good career coach?

Imagine this: You’re 68 years old. You’re looking back at your life and career. What do you see? If you’re reading this article right now, there’s a good chance you are listening to a “career hunch” and exploring a non-clinical career.  You’re interested in optimizing your skills and passions within your career and rediscovering meaning and purpose in your work. Harvard Business Review [...]

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Jobs for Physicians in the Federal Government

Jobs for Physicians in the Federal Government Kenneth Lankin MD, MBA, MPH   What comes to mind when working for the Federal Government?  Working at some dreary VA hospital?  Did you ever consider working for the federal government can be interesting, meaningful, and I daresay fun? It can.  Let me tell you why. The federal government leads the nation in policy and research.  [...]

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What disability insurance companies are looking for in the physicians they hire

SEAK faculty member who is lead Medical Director at a major disability insurer answers the question: What are the disability insurance companies looking for in physicians they hire for non-clinical medical director positions? The number one thing they are looking for board certification. If you don’t have board certification, there’s a number of lower level certifications, such as, in terms of the time [...]

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Differences between a CV and a resume – why it’s important for physicians

SEAK faculty member who is a personal branding expert answers the question:  Many people think that a CV and a resume is the same thing. Can you touch upon what the differences are between a CV and a resume and why the distinction is important to a physician applying for a non-clinical position? The distinction between a CV and a resume is that [...]

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Personal branding expert gives advice for physicians considering a career change

SEAK faculty member who is a personal branding expert answers the question:  What advice would you give to physicians considering a career change? I think you have to learn to speak corporate. And that sounds kind of harsh, but you need to learn to talk in a way that the people in the field that you are investigating are going to expect, without [...]

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